My Dispute Beast attack letter was returned to me! What do I do next?

Dispute Beast, AI Credit Repair
Picture of Dispute Beast

Dispute Beast

It’s great to see you taking charge of your credit!

Getting those disputes handled correctly is super important, and making sure you’ve got the right addresses is key. That’s where Dispute Beast and their Beast Credit Monitoring really shine. They’re awesome at digging up the exact addresses that creditors use for disputes, so you know your efforts are hitting the right spot.

Dispute Beast doesn’t just tackle the obvious; it goes all in, hitting three key levels:

  • Level 1: Credit Reporting Agencies – This includes the big three: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Dispute Beast makes sure any inaccuracies these agencies report are challenged.
  • Level 2: Data Furnishers/Creditors – These are the companies you’ve had financial dealings with. Dispute Beast also tackles inaccuracies directly with these creditors, which helps prevent errors from reappearing.
  • Level 3: Secondary Credit Reporting Agencies – Including less known ones like Innovis, LexisNexis, MicroBilt, and ARS, ensuring your credit profile is clean across all reporting platforms.

Dispute Beast obtains the creditor’s address directly from your Beast Credit Monitoring credit report. Each creditor provides an address to Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion for receiving disputes, and this information is then relayed to Beast Credit Monitoring. After analyzing your credit report, Dispute Beast captures this information to include in your attack letters.

Occasionally, creditors may reject or return the letters, primarily because they prefer not to process your dispute. Keep in mind that processing disputes costs them money, so even if the address is correct, they might return it to discourage you from pursuing the results you deserve. However, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) states they must respond to your disputes, especially at the address they provided to the consumer reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).

So, what can you do if you receive a returned or rejected letter?

  1. Resend it to the same address.
  2. Look up another office address online and send it there.
  3. If you used Sprint Mail, contact Sprint Mail support, and they will resend it for free. (send an email to

USPS Return Mail Statuses Explained

Understanding the various USPS return mail statuses can help you determine the reason for the return and guide your next steps:

  1. Return to Sender: Postage Due – This status indicates that the mail item did not have enough postage when it was sent, and the recipient declined to pay the additional postage required. To prevent this, ensure that your mail is weighed and the correct postage is applied before sending. If you receive a “Postage Due” return, simply add the correct postage and resend the letter.
  2. Return to Sender: Insufficient Address – The address on the mail piece was incomplete or incorrect, preventing delivery. Double-check all address details.
  3. Return to Sender: Unable to Forward – The recipient has moved, and no forwarding address is available. If you know the new address, resend the mail.
  4. Return to Sender: No Such Number – The address provided does not exist or the house/building number is invalid. Verify address details before resending.
  5. Return to Sender: Vacant – The property is unoccupied or vacant, so USPS returns the mail.
  6. Return to Sender: Unclaimed – The mail was held at the post office but went unclaimed by the recipient.
  7. Return to Sender: Moved, Left No Address – The recipient moved but did not leave a forwarding address.
  8. Return to Sender: Refused – The recipient chose not to accept the mail.
  9. Return to Sender: Attempted – Not Known – The recipient’s name is not recognized at the delivery address.
  10. Return to Sender: Box Closed – The recipient’s PO Box has been closed, and USPS returns the mail.

So, what can you do if you receive a returned or rejected letter?

  1. Resend it to the same address.
  2. Look up another office address online and send it there.
  3. If you used Sprint Mail, contact Sprint Mail support, and they will resend it for free. (send an email to

There is no need to send certified mail, as it doesn’t improve deliverability or results. Sending letters via first-class mail is sufficient.

Keeping up the pressure every 40 days is crucial. Log in to your Dispute Beast account and attack every 40 days. It shows those creditors you’re not messing around. By attacking on all three levels, Dispute Beast gives you a thorough strategy to clear up any inaccuracies on your credit report.

Just stick with it, keep sending those disputes, and you’ll definitely start seeing some improvements. Keep pushing, and don’t give up!


  1. Read the Ultimate Dispute Beast FAQ for answers to all your questions!
  2. Get your free Dispute Beast account and start sending your attacks with the press of 1 button by going to and clicking get started
  3. To continue using Dispute Beast, you must maintain an active and paid subscription to Beast Credit Monitoring at all times! 



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Take the first step towards a better financial future today. You deserve financial freedom because you’re more than a credit score and Dispute Beast is here to help you achieve it.

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